Thinking Big. For Better Results.

IHave you ever wondered why so many of us hold ourselves back from thinking big?

We tell ourselves all kinds of stories.

And what’s worse, we believe them.


I work with all kinds of clients - both corporate clients and individuals - who struggle to be bold in their thinking and doing.

So my reflection this week is all about thinking big.

I mean, really.

Why the heck not?

What’s the worse that can happen?

You don’t achieve whatever your big hairy goal happens to be?

Well if you don’t articulate it and write it down with a plan to get there, you’re not going to achieve it anyway.

So I challenge you to rethink your goals.

Are they big enough?

Do they make your belly flip?

If not, try working through a process to help you.

When I work with individuals, both through my leadership program and my career planning program, we start the process by taking time to sit and remember.

Who were you, before society’s expectations and norms and negativity got into your head?

What were your dreams?

What has consistently given you energy over the years?

In order to think big, you first have to remember who you are.

This process is similar to a facilitation process I sometimes use, whereby I bring the group through their collective journey together. What’s the history? What were the high points? The low points? What made that so? It is an extremely powerful method to bring teams together to collectively understand the “why” behind the current reality and challenges they are facing.

For both individuals and teams, looking back is key.

But we can’t live there.

Next, you have to imagine and believe what you are truly capable of, if only you are willing to fully unleash your superpowers into this world.

Far too often, we underestimate our individual and collective capabilities.

And that’s why, in my opinion, we often fall short of our potential.

Why results aren’t stellar.

It takes time.


And I can tell you, it’s worth it.

Remember who you are.

Create time to dream. Imagine.

Align to your vision and values.

Define, very clearly, some big-a$$ goals for yourself and your team.

And then get out there, and make a solid, connected plan to get there.

Imagine where you could be in 10 years if you do.

Let’s face it, the time is going to pass anyway.

Why not make the most of it?

Results will follow.


Let Go. For Dear Life.


Inspiring Connected Leadership: A Case Study