Six Months In. A Few Reflections.

This week, at the beginning of the week, a Facebook memory popped up for me. You know what I’m talking about… those old photos and posts that have a way of pulling on your heartstrings like a good ol’ RomCom. Ok. Maybe you don’t all cry at every RomCom out there like I do, but I think you get my point.

So. There I was, after my morning routine of yoga, meditation, a yummy double-spice masala chai in hand, scrolling through my “socials”. (Side note: I’m trying to pick up some current lingo, despite my teenagers’ incessant eye rolls).

But back to the point. The memory.

There it was: a post I had written on October 11, 2018. I had given notice to my employer at the time, and I was feeling ready, nervous and excited for the next chapter. Three years ago. Only three years. But it felt like a lifetime ago. So. Much. Change.

I know, I know… you’re confused. I said “six months” in the headline.

But wait, hear me out.

October 11, 2018 is when my journey truly began.

I was not living my Purpose, nor was I being true to my values. In fact, I had experienced some minor (but ongoing) health issues earlier that spring, followed by a physical and mental breakdown of exhaustion, and I knew something (well, everything) had to change.

And that’s when I started to stand up and take a hard look at my career choices up to that point. How did I even get here? How had I drifted so far from myself in the process? How could I have given up on my Superpowers and shoved them in a drawer?

So it began… my step by step journey back to Consulting as I accepted an offer with a Big 4 firm with an excellent reputation. Working with dynamic people serving diverse client needs. It was exactly where I was supposed to be at the time.

And when I saw that Facebook memory, I also realized… wait a minute! It’s been exactly 6 months this week since I gave my notice to my most recent (fabulous) employer, and took the huge leap of faith to venture out on my own.

That step has been years in the making. It was planned. Calculated. Recalculated. Questioned. And then… I went for it.

There is more I need to learn. More I want to do.

But for this week, I’m grateful.

So for this week’s Friday reflection, I encourage you to stop. Take a look at how far you’ve come. And then take stock. Are you living your Purpose? Are you being true to your values? How about your Superpowers? Are you shining them bright for the world to see?

We all have things to learn.

I, for one, intend to never stop learning.

I hope you’re with me.


Inspiring Connected Leadership: A Case Study